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Check out corsair for the best in peripherals and hardware. hey guys, alot of you were asking me how to play island life in arma 2, so i decided to make a quick tutorial showing step by step how to install it, hope it helps. You should then be able to join any island life server which involves emita as a main map. Ive been working on new life features and i am currently looking for more suggestions and ideas. For example if a mission is given to opfor to attack a village, does nato get a corresponding mission to defend it. Second, do you know of any way to make this work more or less like the older arma 2 insurgency mission, with intel and caches. So ive been watching some videos about city island life on arma 2 and was curious if anyone on here knew of an active server or forum to get me started as with things like this somewhere with corrupt admin or little to know playerbase would really kill the experience before it even got started. Any further problems add me on steam and i will be more than happy to help. Hey guys a quick video on how to install island life for arma 2.